Separation Anxiety : From Childhood to Adulthood

by Aseess Chadha 

Separation Anxiety : From Childhood to Adulthood

This blog entails an account of “Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)” and its manifestations in both childhood and adult life!

ROCD in Romantic Relationships

by Simran Premjani 

ROCD in Romantic Relationships

In ROCD, an individual has intrusive, recurring, unwanted images, thoughts or impulses about close interpersonal relationships.

OMG! You're so OCD!

by Sanjana Karnik 

OMG! You're so OCD!

What is OCD and how it’s not ‘cool’ to use the term as an adjective.

What is Anxiety?

by Prachi Bhatia 

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety includes intense, excessive, and constant worrying and fear about everyday situations.